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I. Call Public Meeting to Order
II. Open Forum
IV.2. Department Director Update on Dog Park
III.1. Discuss and consider the minutes from the February 6, 2024 Park Board meeting and take any action necessary.
III.2. (P2024-006) Discuss and consider the approval of a final plat for Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block A, generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Horizon Road and Summer Lee Drive and take any action necessary.
III.3. Consider the 2021-2031 Park Board Master Plan update and take any action necessary.
III.4. Discuss and consider a recommendation to City Council officially naming the new neighborhood park at 219 Cornelius Rd, as part of the Terraces Development and take any action necessary.
IV. Monthly Reports
Mar 05, 2024 Parks & Recreation Board
Full agenda
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Full agenda
I. Call Public Meeting to Order
II. Open Forum
IV.2. Department Director Update on Dog Park
III.1. Discuss and consider the minutes from the February 6, 2024 Park Board meeting and take any action necessary.
III.2. (P2024-006) Discuss and consider the approval of a final plat for Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block A, generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Horizon Road and Summer Lee Drive and take any action necessary.
III.3. Consider the 2021-2031 Park Board Master Plan update and take any action necessary.
III.4. Discuss and consider a recommendation to City Council officially naming the new neighborhood park at 219 Cornelius Rd, as part of the Terraces Development and take any action necessary.
IV. Monthly Reports
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