APPOINTMENTS (1) Appointment with the Architectural Review Board (ARB) Chairman to receive the Architectural Review Board’s recommendations and comments for items on the agenda requiring architectural review.
CONSENT AGENDA These agenda items are administrative in nature or include cases that meet all of the technical requirements stipulated by the Unified Development Code (UDC) and Chapter 38, Subdivisions, of the Municipal Code of Ordinances, and do not involve discretionary approvals.
SP2022-062 (BETHANY ROSS) Discuss and consider a request by Bob Pruett of Urban Structure on behalf of Garrett Poindexter of Cambridge Properties, LLC for the approval of an Amended Site Plan for a Mini-Warehouse Facility on a 3.682-acre tract of land being a portion of a larger 7.154- acre tract of land identified as Tract 3 of the J. M. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 2, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING CITY HALL, 385 SOUTH GOLIAD, ROCKWALL, TEXAS DECEMBER 27, 2022 IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT 6:00 PM PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA: DECEMBER 27, 2022 Planned Development District 10 (PD-10) for Commercial (C) District land uses, situated within the SH-205 By-Pass Overlay (SH205 BY-OV) District and the SH-276 Overlay (SH-276 OV) District, situated at the southeast corner of the intersection of John King Boulevard and Discovery Boulevard, and take any action necessary.
Z2022-056 (BETHANY ROSS) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Matthew Benedetto for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Detached Garage on a three (3) acre parcel of land identified as Lot 19, Block A, Northgate Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 88 (PD-88) for Single-Family 1 (SF-1) District land uses, addressed as 835 Clem Road, and take any action necessary.
(8) Z2022-057 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Dub Douphrate of Douphrate and Associates, Inc. for the approval of a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for General Retail (GR) District and SingleFamily 1 (SF-1) District land uses on a 25.87-acre tract of land identified as parcel of land identified as Tract 14 of the D. Harr Survey, Abstract No. 102, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the East SH66 Overlay (E. SH-66 OV) District, generally located southside of SH-66 east of the intersection of SH-66 and Davis Drive, and take any action necessary.
Z2022-058 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Asher Hamilton on behalf of RIV Properties, Alvin Moton Jr., James Moton, Terra Moton, Debra Heard, Beulah Robertson, Tony Moton, and Kathy Moton for the approval of a PD Development Plan for a 176-unit condominium building on a 3.59-acre tract of land identified as Lots 1 & 2, Block1; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 2; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 3; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 5; Lots 1 & 2 and a portion of Lots 3 & 4, Block 6; Lots 2, 3, & 4, Block 7; Lots 1 & 2, Block 8; and Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 9, Moton Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, situated within the Hillside Mixed Use Subdistrict and the Horizon/Summer Lee Subdistrict of Planned Development District 32 (PD-32), generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Horizon Road and Summer Lee Drive, and take any action necessary.
Z2022-059 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Dewayne Zinn of Cross Engineering Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Chad Dubose of JCDB Goliad Holdings, LLC for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Restaurant with 2,000 SF or more with a Drive-Through (i.e. Smoothie King) on a 0.579-acre portion of a larger 2.542-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Pecan Valley Retail Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 65 (PD-65) for General Retail (GR) District land uses, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Pecan Valley Drive and N. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary.
Z2022-060 (RYAN MILLER) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider approval of a Text Amendment to Article 04, Permissible Uses, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) [Ordinance No. 20-02] for the purpose of making changes to the Solar Collector Panels and Systems requirements for residential properties, and take any action necessary.
SP2022-057 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Bowen Hendrix of DuWest Realty, LLC for the approval of a Site Plan for a Restaurant with 2,000 SF or more with a Drive-Through (i.e. Chipotle) on an 8.684-acre portion of a larger 36.428-acre tract of land identified as Tract 3 of the S. King Survey, Abstract No. 131, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, being zoned Planned Development District 70 (PD-70) for limited General Retail (GR) District land uses, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of E. Quail Run Road and N. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary.
SP2022-063 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Steven Reyes on behalf of Patrick Kelley for the approval of a Site Plan for an Office/Showroom Facility on a 0.291-acre parcel of land identified as Tract 12-2 of the E. P. G. Chisum Survey, Abstract No. 64, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 125 E. Ralph Hall Parkway, and take any action necessary.
SP2022-064 (BETHANY ROSS) Discuss and consider a request by Jeff Carroll of Jeff Carroll Architects, Inc. on behalf of Eric Borkenhalen of Kohl's Department Stores for the approval of a Site Plan for an Animal Clinic for Small Animals without Outside Pens on a 0.636-acre portion of a larger 7.383-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block A, Rockwall Market Center East Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, located at the terminus of Rochell Court, and take any action necessary.
(15) Director’s Report of post City Council meeting outcomes for development cases (RYAN MILLER). • Z2022-051: Zoning Change (AG to C) for 2410 S. Goliad Street (APPROVED; 1ST READING) • Z2022-052: SUP for Residential Infill Adjacent to an Established Subdivision for 211 Jacob Crossing (APPROVED; 1ST READING) • Z2022-055: Amendment to Planned Development District 87 (PD-87) (APPROVED; 1ST READING) (VII) ADJOURNMENT
APPOINTMENTS (1) Appointment with the Architectural Review Board (ARB) Chairman to receive the Architectural Review Board’s recommendations and comments for items on the agenda requiring architectural review.
CONSENT AGENDA These agenda items are administrative in nature or include cases that meet all of the technical requirements stipulated by the Unified Development Code (UDC) and Chapter 38, Subdivisions, of the Municipal Code of Ordinances, and do not involve discretionary approvals.
SP2022-062 (BETHANY ROSS) Discuss and consider a request by Bob Pruett of Urban Structure on behalf of Garrett Poindexter of Cambridge Properties, LLC for the approval of an Amended Site Plan for a Mini-Warehouse Facility on a 3.682-acre tract of land being a portion of a larger 7.154- acre tract of land identified as Tract 3 of the J. M. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 2, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING CITY HALL, 385 SOUTH GOLIAD, ROCKWALL, TEXAS DECEMBER 27, 2022 IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT 6:00 PM PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA: DECEMBER 27, 2022 Planned Development District 10 (PD-10) for Commercial (C) District land uses, situated within the SH-205 By-Pass Overlay (SH205 BY-OV) District and the SH-276 Overlay (SH-276 OV) District, situated at the southeast corner of the intersection of John King Boulevard and Discovery Boulevard, and take any action necessary.
Z2022-056 (BETHANY ROSS) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Matthew Benedetto for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Detached Garage on a three (3) acre parcel of land identified as Lot 19, Block A, Northgate Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 88 (PD-88) for Single-Family 1 (SF-1) District land uses, addressed as 835 Clem Road, and take any action necessary.
(8) Z2022-057 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Dub Douphrate of Douphrate and Associates, Inc. for the approval of a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for General Retail (GR) District and SingleFamily 1 (SF-1) District land uses on a 25.87-acre tract of land identified as parcel of land identified as Tract 14 of the D. Harr Survey, Abstract No. 102, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the East SH66 Overlay (E. SH-66 OV) District, generally located southside of SH-66 east of the intersection of SH-66 and Davis Drive, and take any action necessary.
Z2022-058 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Asher Hamilton on behalf of RIV Properties, Alvin Moton Jr., James Moton, Terra Moton, Debra Heard, Beulah Robertson, Tony Moton, and Kathy Moton for the approval of a PD Development Plan for a 176-unit condominium building on a 3.59-acre tract of land identified as Lots 1 & 2, Block1; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 2; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 3; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 5; Lots 1 & 2 and a portion of Lots 3 & 4, Block 6; Lots 2, 3, & 4, Block 7; Lots 1 & 2, Block 8; and Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 9, Moton Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, situated within the Hillside Mixed Use Subdistrict and the Horizon/Summer Lee Subdistrict of Planned Development District 32 (PD-32), generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Horizon Road and Summer Lee Drive, and take any action necessary.
Z2022-059 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Dewayne Zinn of Cross Engineering Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Chad Dubose of JCDB Goliad Holdings, LLC for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Restaurant with 2,000 SF or more with a Drive-Through (i.e. Smoothie King) on a 0.579-acre portion of a larger 2.542-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Pecan Valley Retail Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 65 (PD-65) for General Retail (GR) District land uses, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Pecan Valley Drive and N. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary.
Z2022-060 (RYAN MILLER) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider approval of a Text Amendment to Article 04, Permissible Uses, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) [Ordinance No. 20-02] for the purpose of making changes to the Solar Collector Panels and Systems requirements for residential properties, and take any action necessary.
SP2022-057 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Bowen Hendrix of DuWest Realty, LLC for the approval of a Site Plan for a Restaurant with 2,000 SF or more with a Drive-Through (i.e. Chipotle) on an 8.684-acre portion of a larger 36.428-acre tract of land identified as Tract 3 of the S. King Survey, Abstract No. 131, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, being zoned Planned Development District 70 (PD-70) for limited General Retail (GR) District land uses, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of E. Quail Run Road and N. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary.
SP2022-063 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Steven Reyes on behalf of Patrick Kelley for the approval of a Site Plan for an Office/Showroom Facility on a 0.291-acre parcel of land identified as Tract 12-2 of the E. P. G. Chisum Survey, Abstract No. 64, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 125 E. Ralph Hall Parkway, and take any action necessary.
SP2022-064 (BETHANY ROSS) Discuss and consider a request by Jeff Carroll of Jeff Carroll Architects, Inc. on behalf of Eric Borkenhalen of Kohl's Department Stores for the approval of a Site Plan for an Animal Clinic for Small Animals without Outside Pens on a 0.636-acre portion of a larger 7.383-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block A, Rockwall Market Center East Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, located at the terminus of Rochell Court, and take any action necessary.
(15) Director’s Report of post City Council meeting outcomes for development cases (RYAN MILLER). • Z2022-051: Zoning Change (AG to C) for 2410 S. Goliad Street (APPROVED; 1ST READING) • Z2022-052: SUP for Residential Infill Adjacent to an Established Subdivision for 211 Jacob Crossing (APPROVED; 1ST READING) • Z2022-055: Amendment to Planned Development District 87 (PD-87) (APPROVED; 1ST READING) (VII) ADJOURNMENT