OPEN FORUM This is a time for anyone to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any topic that is not already listed on the agenda for a public hearing. Per the policies of the City of Rockwall, public comments are limited to three (3) minutes out of respect for the time of other citizens. On topics raised during the OPEN FORUM, please know that the Planning and Zoning Commission is not permitted to respond to your comments during the meeting per the Texas Open Meetings Act.
APPOINTMENTS (1) Appointment with the Architectural Review Board (ARB) Chairman to receive the Architectural Review Board’s recommendations and comments for items on the agenda requiring architectural review.
(2) Approval of Minutes for the February 9, 2021 and February 23, 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. (3) P2021-004 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Dewayne Cain of EVSR (D), LLC for the approval of a Final Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, DC Addition being a 22.27-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 2 & 2-4of the W. M. Dalton Survey, Abstract No. 72, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, addressed as 777 Cornelius Road, and take any action necessary. (4) P2021-005 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Bryan Connally of CBG Surveying Texas, LLC on behalf Helen Comeav Neller for the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Neller Addition being an 11.368-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block 1, Lofland Lake Estates Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family Estates 4.0 (SFE-4.0) District, addressed as 2380 FM-549, and take any action necessary. (5) P2021-007 (DAVID GONZALES) Discuss and consider a request by Danielle Porten of REP Investments, LLC for the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-5, Block A and Lot 1, Block X, Blackland Industrial Park Addition being a 10.27-acre tract of land identified as Tract 3-04 of the A. M. Wilson Survey, Abstract No. 223, Rockwall County, Texas, situated within the City of Rockwall’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), addressed as 3500 Blackland Road, and take any action necessary.
Z2021-002 (DAVID GONZALES) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Lisa White of Boing US HoldCo, Inc. on behalf of Donald L. Silverman of Rockwall 205-552, LLC for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Self Service Car Wash and Auto Detail on a 0.89- acre tract of land identified as a portion of Lot 2, Block A, Dalton Goliad Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned General Retail (GR) District, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, addressed as 3611 N. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary.
Z2021-003 (DAVID GONZALES) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Jason Castro of Castro Development, LLC for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.165-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 6, Harris Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Two-Family (2F) District, addressed as 511 S. Clark Street, and take any action necessary.
Z2021-004 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Juan Maldonado for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision for the purpose of constructing a single-family home on a 0.1150-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 890, Block E, Rockwall Lake Estates #1 Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 75 (PD-75) for Single-Family 7 (SF-7) District land uses, addressed as 418 Perch Road, and take any action necessary.
Z2021-005 (RYAN MILLER) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Kevin Harrell of the Skorburg Company on behalf of Alex Freeman and Mark G. & Jessica K. Taylor for the approval of a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Planned Development District for Single-Family 16 (SF-16) District land uses on a 37.844-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 17 & 17-01 of the W. M. Dalton Survey, Abstract No. 72, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, generally located at the southeast corner of the intersection of FM-1141 and Clem Road, and take any action necessary.
SP2021-002 (DAVID GONZALES) Discuss and consider a request by Jonathan Stites of Seefried Industrial Properties on behalf of Bill Lofland of Smartt Lofland & J Bond Partners for the approval of a Site Plan for a Warehouse/Distribution Center on a 71.022-acre tract of land identified as Tract 20-1 of the A. Hanna Survey, Abstract No. 99, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, generally located at the southwest corner of Justin Road and Industrial Boulevard, and take any action necessary.
SP2021-003 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Rolando R. Leal of Good Cluck, LLC on behalf of Charles Corson of CCP LJS Rockwall LP for the approval of an Amended Site Plan for a Restaurant with Drive Through/Drive-In on a 0.448-acre tract of land identified as a portion of Lot 1 of the I-30 740 West Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District and the Scenic Overlay (SOV) District, addressed as 2608 Ridge Road [FM-740], and take any action necessary.
VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS Director’s Report of post City Council meeting outcomes for development cases (RYAN MILLER). • P2021-001: Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-7, Block A, Sky Ridge Addition (APPROVED) • P2021-006: Replat for Lots 4 & 5, MTA Andrews Addition (APPROVED) • P2021-008: Replat for Lot 1, Block A, BLPB-Mims Addition (APPROVED) • Z2021-001: SUP for a Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision at 2825 Marcie Lane (APPROVED; 1ST READING) • Z2020-056: SUP for a Self-Service Car Wash and Auto Detail at 3611 N. Goliad Street (REMANDED BACK TO P&Z) (VIII) ADJOURNMENT
OPEN FORUM This is a time for anyone to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any topic that is not already listed on the agenda for a public hearing. Per the policies of the City of Rockwall, public comments are limited to three (3) minutes out of respect for the time of other citizens. On topics raised during the OPEN FORUM, please know that the Planning and Zoning Commission is not permitted to respond to your comments during the meeting per the Texas Open Meetings Act.
APPOINTMENTS (1) Appointment with the Architectural Review Board (ARB) Chairman to receive the Architectural Review Board’s recommendations and comments for items on the agenda requiring architectural review.
(2) Approval of Minutes for the February 9, 2021 and February 23, 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. (3) P2021-004 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Dewayne Cain of EVSR (D), LLC for the approval of a Final Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, DC Addition being a 22.27-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 2 & 2-4of the W. M. Dalton Survey, Abstract No. 72, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, addressed as 777 Cornelius Road, and take any action necessary. (4) P2021-005 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Bryan Connally of CBG Surveying Texas, LLC on behalf Helen Comeav Neller for the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Neller Addition being an 11.368-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block 1, Lofland Lake Estates Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family Estates 4.0 (SFE-4.0) District, addressed as 2380 FM-549, and take any action necessary. (5) P2021-007 (DAVID GONZALES) Discuss and consider a request by Danielle Porten of REP Investments, LLC for the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-5, Block A and Lot 1, Block X, Blackland Industrial Park Addition being a 10.27-acre tract of land identified as Tract 3-04 of the A. M. Wilson Survey, Abstract No. 223, Rockwall County, Texas, situated within the City of Rockwall’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), addressed as 3500 Blackland Road, and take any action necessary.
Z2021-002 (DAVID GONZALES) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Lisa White of Boing US HoldCo, Inc. on behalf of Donald L. Silverman of Rockwall 205-552, LLC for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Self Service Car Wash and Auto Detail on a 0.89- acre tract of land identified as a portion of Lot 2, Block A, Dalton Goliad Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned General Retail (GR) District, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, addressed as 3611 N. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary.
Z2021-003 (DAVID GONZALES) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Jason Castro of Castro Development, LLC for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.165-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 6, Harris Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Two-Family (2F) District, addressed as 511 S. Clark Street, and take any action necessary.
Z2021-004 (HENRY LEE) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Juan Maldonado for the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision for the purpose of constructing a single-family home on a 0.1150-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 890, Block E, Rockwall Lake Estates #1 Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 75 (PD-75) for Single-Family 7 (SF-7) District land uses, addressed as 418 Perch Road, and take any action necessary.
Z2021-005 (RYAN MILLER) Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Kevin Harrell of the Skorburg Company on behalf of Alex Freeman and Mark G. & Jessica K. Taylor for the approval of a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Planned Development District for Single-Family 16 (SF-16) District land uses on a 37.844-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 17 & 17-01 of the W. M. Dalton Survey, Abstract No. 72, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, generally located at the southeast corner of the intersection of FM-1141 and Clem Road, and take any action necessary.
SP2021-002 (DAVID GONZALES) Discuss and consider a request by Jonathan Stites of Seefried Industrial Properties on behalf of Bill Lofland of Smartt Lofland & J Bond Partners for the approval of a Site Plan for a Warehouse/Distribution Center on a 71.022-acre tract of land identified as Tract 20-1 of the A. Hanna Survey, Abstract No. 99, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, generally located at the southwest corner of Justin Road and Industrial Boulevard, and take any action necessary.
SP2021-003 (HENRY LEE) Discuss and consider a request by Rolando R. Leal of Good Cluck, LLC on behalf of Charles Corson of CCP LJS Rockwall LP for the approval of an Amended Site Plan for a Restaurant with Drive Through/Drive-In on a 0.448-acre tract of land identified as a portion of Lot 1 of the I-30 740 West Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District and the Scenic Overlay (SOV) District, addressed as 2608 Ridge Road [FM-740], and take any action necessary.
VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS Director’s Report of post City Council meeting outcomes for development cases (RYAN MILLER). • P2021-001: Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-7, Block A, Sky Ridge Addition (APPROVED) • P2021-006: Replat for Lots 4 & 5, MTA Andrews Addition (APPROVED) • P2021-008: Replat for Lot 1, Block A, BLPB-Mims Addition (APPROVED) • Z2021-001: SUP for a Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision at 2825 Marcie Lane (APPROVED; 1ST READING) • Z2020-056: SUP for a Self-Service Car Wash and Auto Detail at 3611 N. Goliad Street (REMANDED BACK TO P&Z) (VIII) ADJOURNMENT