I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding (re)appointments to city regulatory boards, commissions, and committees - specifically the Board of Adjustments (BOA) - pursuant to Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) 2. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with The Shores on Lake Ray Hubbard homeowners association (HOA) regulations, pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) V. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Councilmember Campbell
Proclamations / Awards / Recognitions 1. Recognition of outgoing Councilmember, Place 5 - Dana K. Macalik
IX. Consent Agenda These agenda items are routine/administrative in nature, have previously been discussed at a prior City Council meeting, and/or they do not warrant Council deliberation. If you would like to discuss one of these items, please let the City Secretary know before the meeting starts so that you may speak during "Open Forum." 1. Consider approval of the minutes from the December 5, 2022 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Consider approval of the minutes from the December 14, 2022 Special City Council Meeting, and take any action necessary. 3. Consider bid award to Caldwell Country Chevrolet in the amount of $36,275 for a new Police CID vehicle and authorize City Manager to execute associated purchase order, and take any action necessary. 4. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Rockwall County for Municipal Court Judge services associated with upcoming 'No Refusal Weekends,' and take any action necessary. 5. Consider approval of HOT subcommittee recommendations for Texas K9 Conference ($22,400), RHS Wrestling Program state-wide championship ($18,000), Rockwall Historical Foundation ($5,249) and Rockwall Summer Musicals ($5,000); authorize the City Manager to execute funding agreements and take any action necessary.
Appointment Items 1. Appointment with Planning & Zoning Commission representative to discuss and answer any questions regarding planning-related cases on the agenda.
Z2022-051 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Mariel Street on behalf of Cathy Strother for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Commercial (C) District for a two (2) acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Roadside Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District and Commercial (C) District, situated within the SH-205 Overlay (SH-205 OV) District, addressed as 2410 S. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2022-054 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Scott Clements on behalf of Dana Moffatt for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision allowing the construction of a single-family home on a 0.1837-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block B, North Towne Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family 7 (SF-7) District, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, addressed as 211 Jacob Crossing, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2022-055 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Dub Douphrate of Douphrate and Associates on behalf of Ryan Lewis and Scott Sutton of Crosspoint Community Church for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change amending Planned Development District 87 (PD-87) [Ordinance No. 18-46] being a 16.26-acre tract of land identified as a Lot 1, Block 1, Indalloy Addition and Tract 31 of the R. Ballard Survey, Abstract No. 29, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 87 (PD-87) for Single-Family 10 (SF- 10) District, General Retail (GR) District and Light Industrial (LI) District land uses, located on the southside of E. Washington Street east of the intersection of Park Place Boulevard and E. Washington Street, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Discuss and consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Rockwall, Texas, Combination Tax and Limited Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2023; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the security for and payment of said certificates; approving the official statement; providing an effective date; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.
Discuss and consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Rockwall, Texas General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2023; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the security for and payment of said bonds; approving the official statement; providing an effective date and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.
3. Discuss and consider adoption of a resolution setting solid waste collection rates, and take any action necessary. XV. Adjournment
I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding (re)appointments to city regulatory boards, commissions, and committees - specifically the Board of Adjustments (BOA) - pursuant to Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) 2. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with The Shores on Lake Ray Hubbard homeowners association (HOA) regulations, pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) V. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Councilmember Campbell
Proclamations / Awards / Recognitions 1. Recognition of outgoing Councilmember, Place 5 - Dana K. Macalik
IX. Consent Agenda These agenda items are routine/administrative in nature, have previously been discussed at a prior City Council meeting, and/or they do not warrant Council deliberation. If you would like to discuss one of these items, please let the City Secretary know before the meeting starts so that you may speak during "Open Forum." 1. Consider approval of the minutes from the December 5, 2022 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Consider approval of the minutes from the December 14, 2022 Special City Council Meeting, and take any action necessary. 3. Consider bid award to Caldwell Country Chevrolet in the amount of $36,275 for a new Police CID vehicle and authorize City Manager to execute associated purchase order, and take any action necessary. 4. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Rockwall County for Municipal Court Judge services associated with upcoming 'No Refusal Weekends,' and take any action necessary. 5. Consider approval of HOT subcommittee recommendations for Texas K9 Conference ($22,400), RHS Wrestling Program state-wide championship ($18,000), Rockwall Historical Foundation ($5,249) and Rockwall Summer Musicals ($5,000); authorize the City Manager to execute funding agreements and take any action necessary.
Appointment Items 1. Appointment with Planning & Zoning Commission representative to discuss and answer any questions regarding planning-related cases on the agenda.
Z2022-051 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Mariel Street on behalf of Cathy Strother for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Commercial (C) District for a two (2) acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Roadside Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District and Commercial (C) District, situated within the SH-205 Overlay (SH-205 OV) District, addressed as 2410 S. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2022-054 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Scott Clements on behalf of Dana Moffatt for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision allowing the construction of a single-family home on a 0.1837-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block B, North Towne Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family 7 (SF-7) District, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, addressed as 211 Jacob Crossing, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2022-055 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Dub Douphrate of Douphrate and Associates on behalf of Ryan Lewis and Scott Sutton of Crosspoint Community Church for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change amending Planned Development District 87 (PD-87) [Ordinance No. 18-46] being a 16.26-acre tract of land identified as a Lot 1, Block 1, Indalloy Addition and Tract 31 of the R. Ballard Survey, Abstract No. 29, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 87 (PD-87) for Single-Family 10 (SF- 10) District, General Retail (GR) District and Light Industrial (LI) District land uses, located on the southside of E. Washington Street east of the intersection of Park Place Boulevard and E. Washington Street, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Discuss and consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Rockwall, Texas, Combination Tax and Limited Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2023; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the security for and payment of said certificates; approving the official statement; providing an effective date; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.
Discuss and consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Rockwall, Texas General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2023; levying an annual ad valorem tax and providing for the security for and payment of said bonds; approving the official statement; providing an effective date and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.
3. Discuss and consider adoption of a resolution setting solid waste collection rates, and take any action necessary. XV. Adjournment