I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with The Shores on Lake Ray Hubbard homeowners association (HOA) regulations, pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). 2. Discussion regarding (re)appointments to city regulatory boards and commissions, pursuant to Section, §551.074 (Personnel Matters) III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) V. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Councilmember Johannesen
These agenda items are routine/administrative in nature, have previously been discussed at a prior City Council meeting, and/or they do not warrant Council deliberation. If you would like to discuss one of these items, please let the City Secretary know before the meeting starts so that you may speak during "Open Forum." 1. Consider approval of the minutes from the April 18, 2022 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Z2022-013 - Consider a request by Rodolfo Cardenas of CARES Home Builder, Inc. for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.1650-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 985A of the Rockwall Lake Estates #2 Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 75 (PD-75) for Single- Family 7 (SF-7) District land uses, addressed as 130 Chris Drive, and take any ac????on necessary (2nd Reading). 3. Z2022-014 - Consider a request by Robert Howman of Glenn Engineering Corp. on behalf of William Salee of the Rockwall Independent School District (RISD) for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development District for limited Neighborhood Services (NS) District land uses for a 173.00-acre tract of land identified as Tract 7-1 of the W. H. Baird Survey, Abstract No. 25 and Lot 1, Block A, Rockwall CCA Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the SH-205 By- Pass Overlay (SH-205 BY-OV) District, addressed as 2301 John King Boulevard, and take any ac????on necessary (2nd Reading). 4. Z2022-015 - Consider a request by Robert Howman of Glenn Engineering Corp. on behalf of William Salee of the Rockwall Independent School District (RISD) for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development District for limited Neighborhood Services (NS) District land uses for a 76.068-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 14-01 & 14-11 of the J. M. Glass Survey, Abstract No. 88, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of FM-1141 and E. Quail Run Road, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 5. Consider approval of an emergency repair of sanitary sewer manholes on the southwest corner of Dalton Road and N. Goliad and on the northeast corner of Horizon Road and FM-740 in the amount of $113,890.00 to be performed by Double R Utilities, Inc. and funded out of the Water and Sewer Fund, Wastewater Operations Budget, including authorizing the City Manager to execute any associated documents, and take any action necessary. 6. Consider awarding a contract to Custard Construction Services for waterproofing improvements to Rockwall City Hall and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract totaling $157,578.53 to be funded out of the Internal Operations Department operating budget, amending the Internal Operations Department opera????ng budget in the amount of $157,600 from General Fund Reserves, and take any action necessary. 7. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Peek Pro Audio in the amount of $28,375.00 for stage and sound services related to 2022 Founders Day Festival, to be funded out of 2021-2022 Hotel / Motel Funds, and take any action necessary. 8. SP2022-021 - Consider a request by Jeff Carroll Architects on behalf of Frank Fite of the Fite Agency, LLC for the approval of an Alternative Tree Mitigation Settlement Agreement in conjunction with an approved site plan for an Office Building on a 0.392-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Fite Office Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 50 (PD-50) for Residential-Office (RO) District land uses, situated within the North Goliad Corridor Overlay (NGC OV) District, addressed as 810 N. Goliad Street S[H- 205], and take any action necessary. 9. P2022-013 - Consider a request by Christopher Zamord of Jones Carter on behalf of Metroplex Acquisition Fund, LP for the approval of a Replat for Lots 12 & 13, Block A, Stone Creek Retail Addition being a 5.96-acre tract of land identified as Lot 11, Block A, Stone Creek Retail Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 70 for limited General Retail (GR) District land uses, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SH-205 and Bordeaux Drive, and take any action necessary. 10. P2022-014 - Consider a request by Dub Douphrate of Douphrate & Associates on behalf of Father Michael Vinson of St. Benedict’s Anglican Church for the approval of a Final Plat for Lot 1, Block A, St. Benedict’s Anglican Church Addition being a 7.424-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 3 & 10 of the W. B. Bowles Survey, Abstract No. 12 and A. Hanna Survey Abstract No. 98, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family 10 (SF-10) District, 1500 Sunset Hill Drive, and take any action necessary. 11. P2022-019 - Consider a request by Jus????n Lansdowne of McAdams Co. on behalf of John Delin of RW Ladera, LLC for the approval of a Replat for Lots 2 & 3, Block A, Ladera Rockwall Addition being a 37.8-acre tract of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Ladera Rockwall Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 85 (PD-85), situated within the 205 By-Pass Overlay (205 BY-OV) and the East SH-66 Overlay (E SH-66 OV) District, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SH-66 and John King Boulevard, and take any ac????on necessary. 12. P2022-021 - Consider a request by David Shipman of Triten Real Estate Partners on behalf of Robert E. Lambreth of BSKJ Development Corpora????on for the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block A, Revelation Addition being a 18.480-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 1, 1-3 & 1-7 of the J. M. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 2, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, situated within the SH-276 Overlay (SH-276 OV) District, addressed as 1725 SH-276, and take any action necessary. 13. P2022-022 - Consider a request by Gabriel Collins of Pacheco Koch a Westwood Company on behalf of Gary Hancock of First United Methodist Church for the approval of a Replat for Lots 10 & 11, Block A, First United Methodist Church Addition being a 17.821-acre tract of land identified as Lots 7 & 9, Block A, First United Methodist Church Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 1200 E. Yellow Jacket Lane, and take any ac????on necessary. 14. MIS2022-007 - Consider a request Clark Staggs of Foxtrot 46 Development on behalf of Neil Gandy of ADD Real Estates for the approval of a Miscellaneous Case for an Alternative Tree Mitigation Settlement Agreement for a 6.60-acre tract of land being a portion of Tract 21 of the D. Harr Survey, Abstract No. 102, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, generally located on the north side of Airport Road east of the intersection of Airport Road and John King Boulevard, and take any action necessary. 15. Consider approval of an ordinance amending the Rockwall Economic Development Corpora????on (REDC) budget for fiscal year 2022, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Planning & Zoning Commission representative to discuss and answer any questions regarding planning-related cases on the agenda.
Appointment with representatives of the Rockwall Fire Department's "Explorer Program" to hear update regarding the program, and take any action necessary.
MIS2022-010 - Discuss and consider a request by Michael Hampton of 549 Crossing, LP on behalf of Justin Webb and Russell Phillips of Rockwall 205 Investors, LLC for the approval of a Miscellaneous Case for a Variance to the Utility Placement requirements in the General Overlay District Standards to allow overhead utilities in conjunction with raw land and a Retail Store with Gasoline Sales on a 34.484-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 17-5 of the W. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 80, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, situated within the SH-205 Overlay (SH-205 OV) District, generally located at east of the intersection of S. Goliad Street [SH-205] and S. FM-549, and take any action necessary.
MIS2022-009 - Discuss and consider a request by Stephen Geiger of Rayburn Electric Cooperative, Inc. for the approval of a Miscellaneous Case for a Special Exception to the fence standards on a 58.72-acre tract of land identified as Tract 3 of the W. H. Barnes Survey, Abstract No. 26, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Heavy Commercial (HC) District and Commercial (C) District, situated within the SH-205 Overlay (SH-205 OV) District, generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of S. Goliad Street [SH-205] and Mims Road, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances in Ch. 36, Article IV, Division 2. 'ART Review Team Commission' to increase the composition of the board from five to seven members, and take any action necessary. (1st reading)
Discuss and consider appointment(s) to the city's ART Commission, and take any action necessary.
XII. City Manager's Report, Departmental Reports and related discussions pertaining to current city activities, upcoming meetings, future legislative activities, and other related matters. 1. Building Inspections Department Monthly Report - March 2022 2. Fire Department Monthly Report - March 2022 3. Parks & Rec. Department Monthly Report - March 2022 4. Police Department Monthly Report - March 2022 5. Sales Tax Historical Comparison 6. Water Consumption Historical Statistics XV. Adjournment
I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with The Shores on Lake Ray Hubbard homeowners association (HOA) regulations, pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). 2. Discussion regarding (re)appointments to city regulatory boards and commissions, pursuant to Section, §551.074 (Personnel Matters) III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) V. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Councilmember Johannesen
These agenda items are routine/administrative in nature, have previously been discussed at a prior City Council meeting, and/or they do not warrant Council deliberation. If you would like to discuss one of these items, please let the City Secretary know before the meeting starts so that you may speak during "Open Forum." 1. Consider approval of the minutes from the April 18, 2022 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Z2022-013 - Consider a request by Rodolfo Cardenas of CARES Home Builder, Inc. for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.1650-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 985A of the Rockwall Lake Estates #2 Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 75 (PD-75) for Single- Family 7 (SF-7) District land uses, addressed as 130 Chris Drive, and take any ac????on necessary (2nd Reading). 3. Z2022-014 - Consider a request by Robert Howman of Glenn Engineering Corp. on behalf of William Salee of the Rockwall Independent School District (RISD) for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development District for limited Neighborhood Services (NS) District land uses for a 173.00-acre tract of land identified as Tract 7-1 of the W. H. Baird Survey, Abstract No. 25 and Lot 1, Block A, Rockwall CCA Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the SH-205 By- Pass Overlay (SH-205 BY-OV) District, addressed as 2301 John King Boulevard, and take any ac????on necessary (2nd Reading). 4. Z2022-015 - Consider a request by Robert Howman of Glenn Engineering Corp. on behalf of William Salee of the Rockwall Independent School District (RISD) for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development District for limited Neighborhood Services (NS) District land uses for a 76.068-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 14-01 & 14-11 of the J. M. Glass Survey, Abstract No. 88, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of FM-1141 and E. Quail Run Road, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 5. Consider approval of an emergency repair of sanitary sewer manholes on the southwest corner of Dalton Road and N. Goliad and on the northeast corner of Horizon Road and FM-740 in the amount of $113,890.00 to be performed by Double R Utilities, Inc. and funded out of the Water and Sewer Fund, Wastewater Operations Budget, including authorizing the City Manager to execute any associated documents, and take any action necessary. 6. Consider awarding a contract to Custard Construction Services for waterproofing improvements to Rockwall City Hall and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract totaling $157,578.53 to be funded out of the Internal Operations Department operating budget, amending the Internal Operations Department opera????ng budget in the amount of $157,600 from General Fund Reserves, and take any action necessary. 7. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Peek Pro Audio in the amount of $28,375.00 for stage and sound services related to 2022 Founders Day Festival, to be funded out of 2021-2022 Hotel / Motel Funds, and take any action necessary. 8. SP2022-021 - Consider a request by Jeff Carroll Architects on behalf of Frank Fite of the Fite Agency, LLC for the approval of an Alternative Tree Mitigation Settlement Agreement in conjunction with an approved site plan for an Office Building on a 0.392-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Fite Office Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 50 (PD-50) for Residential-Office (RO) District land uses, situated within the North Goliad Corridor Overlay (NGC OV) District, addressed as 810 N. Goliad Street S[H- 205], and take any action necessary. 9. P2022-013 - Consider a request by Christopher Zamord of Jones Carter on behalf of Metroplex Acquisition Fund, LP for the approval of a Replat for Lots 12 & 13, Block A, Stone Creek Retail Addition being a 5.96-acre tract of land identified as Lot 11, Block A, Stone Creek Retail Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 70 for limited General Retail (GR) District land uses, situated within the North SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SH-205 and Bordeaux Drive, and take any action necessary. 10. P2022-014 - Consider a request by Dub Douphrate of Douphrate & Associates on behalf of Father Michael Vinson of St. Benedict’s Anglican Church for the approval of a Final Plat for Lot 1, Block A, St. Benedict’s Anglican Church Addition being a 7.424-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 3 & 10 of the W. B. Bowles Survey, Abstract No. 12 and A. Hanna Survey Abstract No. 98, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family 10 (SF-10) District, 1500 Sunset Hill Drive, and take any action necessary. 11. P2022-019 - Consider a request by Jus????n Lansdowne of McAdams Co. on behalf of John Delin of RW Ladera, LLC for the approval of a Replat for Lots 2 & 3, Block A, Ladera Rockwall Addition being a 37.8-acre tract of land identified as Lot 1, Block A, Ladera Rockwall Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 85 (PD-85), situated within the 205 By-Pass Overlay (205 BY-OV) and the East SH-66 Overlay (E SH-66 OV) District, located at the northeast corner of the intersection of SH-66 and John King Boulevard, and take any ac????on necessary. 12. P2022-021 - Consider a request by David Shipman of Triten Real Estate Partners on behalf of Robert E. Lambreth of BSKJ Development Corpora????on for the approval of a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block A, Revelation Addition being a 18.480-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 1, 1-3 & 1-7 of the J. M. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 2, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, situated within the SH-276 Overlay (SH-276 OV) District, addressed as 1725 SH-276, and take any action necessary. 13. P2022-022 - Consider a request by Gabriel Collins of Pacheco Koch a Westwood Company on behalf of Gary Hancock of First United Methodist Church for the approval of a Replat for Lots 10 & 11, Block A, First United Methodist Church Addition being a 17.821-acre tract of land identified as Lots 7 & 9, Block A, First United Methodist Church Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 1200 E. Yellow Jacket Lane, and take any ac????on necessary. 14. MIS2022-007 - Consider a request Clark Staggs of Foxtrot 46 Development on behalf of Neil Gandy of ADD Real Estates for the approval of a Miscellaneous Case for an Alternative Tree Mitigation Settlement Agreement for a 6.60-acre tract of land being a portion of Tract 21 of the D. Harr Survey, Abstract No. 102, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, generally located on the north side of Airport Road east of the intersection of Airport Road and John King Boulevard, and take any action necessary. 15. Consider approval of an ordinance amending the Rockwall Economic Development Corpora????on (REDC) budget for fiscal year 2022, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Planning & Zoning Commission representative to discuss and answer any questions regarding planning-related cases on the agenda.
Appointment with representatives of the Rockwall Fire Department's "Explorer Program" to hear update regarding the program, and take any action necessary.
MIS2022-010 - Discuss and consider a request by Michael Hampton of 549 Crossing, LP on behalf of Justin Webb and Russell Phillips of Rockwall 205 Investors, LLC for the approval of a Miscellaneous Case for a Variance to the Utility Placement requirements in the General Overlay District Standards to allow overhead utilities in conjunction with raw land and a Retail Store with Gasoline Sales on a 34.484-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 17-5 of the W. W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 80, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, situated within the SH-205 Overlay (SH-205 OV) District, generally located at east of the intersection of S. Goliad Street [SH-205] and S. FM-549, and take any action necessary.
MIS2022-009 - Discuss and consider a request by Stephen Geiger of Rayburn Electric Cooperative, Inc. for the approval of a Miscellaneous Case for a Special Exception to the fence standards on a 58.72-acre tract of land identified as Tract 3 of the W. H. Barnes Survey, Abstract No. 26, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Heavy Commercial (HC) District and Commercial (C) District, situated within the SH-205 Overlay (SH-205 OV) District, generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of S. Goliad Street [SH-205] and Mims Road, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances in Ch. 36, Article IV, Division 2. 'ART Review Team Commission' to increase the composition of the board from five to seven members, and take any action necessary. (1st reading)
Discuss and consider appointment(s) to the city's ART Commission, and take any action necessary.
XII. City Manager's Report, Departmental Reports and related discussions pertaining to current city activities, upcoming meetings, future legislative activities, and other related matters. 1. Building Inspections Department Monthly Report - March 2022 2. Fire Department Monthly Report - March 2022 3. Parks & Rec. Department Monthly Report - March 2022 4. Police Department Monthly Report - March 2022 5. Sales Tax Historical Comparison 6. Water Consumption Historical Statistics XV. Adjournment