I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with The Shores on Lake Ray Hubbard homeowners association (HOA) regulations, pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) 2. Discussion regarding possible sale/purchase/lease of real property off of North Goliad Street pursuant to Section §551.072 (Real Property) and Section §551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) 3. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with Construction Service Contract for IH30 Flag Pole project pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) V. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Mayor Pro Tem Hohenshelt
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the March 21, 2022 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Consider approval of a contract for professional engineering services with Cardinal Strategies Engineering Services, LLC to perform the Buffalo Creek Watershed Hydrologic & Hydraulic Update Phase 1 in an amount not to exceed $60,000 to be funded by the Engineering Consulting Budget, and take any action necessary 3. Consider approval of the purchase of additional equipment for two existing Police Department vehicles in the amount of $51,500.00 to be funded from General Fund Reserves, approving an amendment to the Patrol Vehicle Budget, and authorizing the issuance of purchase orders to multiple vendors through purchasing cooperatives for the equipment procurement, and take any action necessary. 4. P2022-011 - Consider a request by Dylan Adame, PE of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. on behalf of Grayson Hughes of Stream 1515 Corporate Crossing, LP for the approval of a Final Plat for Lot 1, Block A, Stream 549 Addition being a 43.237-acre tract of land identified as Tract 11 of the J. Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 134, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the FM-549 Overlay (FM-549 OV) District, located east of the intersection of Corporate Crossing [FM-549] and Capital Boulevard, and take any action necessary. 5. Z2022-006 - Consider a request by Matt Wavering of the Rockwall Economic Development Corporation for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from Planned Development District 73 (PD-73) to a Light Industrial (LI) District for a 8.008-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 8, Block A, Rockwall Technology Park Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 73 (PD-73) for Commercial (C) District land uses, situated within the FM-549 Overlay (FM-549 OV) District and the SH-276 Overlay (SH-276 OV) District, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Corporate Crossing and SH-276, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 6. Z2022-007 - Consider a request by Juan Aguilar on behalf of Jose A. Contreras of Black Toro Custom Homes, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.1650-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1096 of the Rockwall Lake Estates #2 Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 75 (PD-75) for Single-Family 7 (SF-7) District land uses, addressed as 514 Yvonne Drive, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 7. Z2022-008 - Consider a request by Valerie Valdez of DDS Group on behalf of Blanca Canales of JCK Custom Homes, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.3990-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block A, Heritage Heights Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family 10 (SF-10) District, addressed as 7106 Odell Avenue, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading) 8. Z2022-011 - Consider a City initiated request for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a General Retail (GR) District for a 5.812-acre tract of land identified as Tract 9 of the M. B. Jones Survey, Abstract No. 122, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the SH-205 By-Pass Overlay (205 BY-OV) District, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of FM-1141 and N. John King Boulevard, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 9. Z2022-012 - Consider approval of an ordinance for a Text Amendment to Section 06, Overlay Districts, of Article 05, District Development Standards, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) [Ordinance No. 20-02] for the purpose of incorporating Airport Overlay (AP OV) District, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading).
Z2022-009 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Jack Kurz of RSDGP, LLC on behalf of Allen Anderson of Adlor Enterprises, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Restaurant, Less Than 2,000 SF, with a Drive-Through/Drive-In for the purpose of constructing a restaurant with drive-through on a 1.1308-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block B, Jack Canup Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 62 (PD-62) for General Retail (GR) District, addressed as 902 & 906 S. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
2. Z2022-010 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Ryan Joyce on Michael Joyce Properties on behalf of Mike Peoples for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Planned Development District for Single-Family 10 (SF-10) District land uses on a 93.97-acre tract of land identified as Tract 4-01 of the M. B. Jones Survey, Abstract No. 122, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the SH-66 Overlay (SH-66 OV) District, addressed as 1936 SH-66, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Discuss and consider a bid award for the new KidZone playground at Harry Myers Park, and authorize the City Manager to execute associated contract documents in an amount not to exceed $800,000 to be funded out of the Recreational Development Fund, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider Capital Improvement Planning associated with Fire Station #1, and take any action necessary.
City Manager's Report, Departmental Reports and related discussions pertaining to current city activities, upcoming meetings, future legislative activities, and other related matters. 1. Building Inspections Department Monthly Report - February 2022 2. Fire Department Monthly Report - February 2022 3. Parks & Rec Department Monthly Report - February 2022 4. Police Department Monthly Report - February 2022 XV. Adjournment
I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with The Shores on Lake Ray Hubbard homeowners association (HOA) regulations, pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) 2. Discussion regarding possible sale/purchase/lease of real property off of North Goliad Street pursuant to Section §551.072 (Real Property) and Section §551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) 3. Discussion regarding legal advice associated with Construction Service Contract for IH30 Flag Pole project pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney) III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) V. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Mayor Pro Tem Hohenshelt
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the March 21, 2022 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Consider approval of a contract for professional engineering services with Cardinal Strategies Engineering Services, LLC to perform the Buffalo Creek Watershed Hydrologic & Hydraulic Update Phase 1 in an amount not to exceed $60,000 to be funded by the Engineering Consulting Budget, and take any action necessary 3. Consider approval of the purchase of additional equipment for two existing Police Department vehicles in the amount of $51,500.00 to be funded from General Fund Reserves, approving an amendment to the Patrol Vehicle Budget, and authorizing the issuance of purchase orders to multiple vendors through purchasing cooperatives for the equipment procurement, and take any action necessary. 4. P2022-011 - Consider a request by Dylan Adame, PE of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. on behalf of Grayson Hughes of Stream 1515 Corporate Crossing, LP for the approval of a Final Plat for Lot 1, Block A, Stream 549 Addition being a 43.237-acre tract of land identified as Tract 11 of the J. Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 134, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the FM-549 Overlay (FM-549 OV) District, located east of the intersection of Corporate Crossing [FM-549] and Capital Boulevard, and take any action necessary. 5. Z2022-006 - Consider a request by Matt Wavering of the Rockwall Economic Development Corporation for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from Planned Development District 73 (PD-73) to a Light Industrial (LI) District for a 8.008-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 8, Block A, Rockwall Technology Park Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 73 (PD-73) for Commercial (C) District land uses, situated within the FM-549 Overlay (FM-549 OV) District and the SH-276 Overlay (SH-276 OV) District, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Corporate Crossing and SH-276, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 6. Z2022-007 - Consider a request by Juan Aguilar on behalf of Jose A. Contreras of Black Toro Custom Homes, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.1650-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1096 of the Rockwall Lake Estates #2 Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 75 (PD-75) for Single-Family 7 (SF-7) District land uses, addressed as 514 Yvonne Drive, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 7. Z2022-008 - Consider a request by Valerie Valdez of DDS Group on behalf of Blanca Canales of JCK Custom Homes, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision on a 0.3990-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 7, Block A, Heritage Heights Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Single-Family 10 (SF-10) District, addressed as 7106 Odell Avenue, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading) 8. Z2022-011 - Consider a City initiated request for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a General Retail (GR) District for a 5.812-acre tract of land identified as Tract 9 of the M. B. Jones Survey, Abstract No. 122, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the SH-205 By-Pass Overlay (205 BY-OV) District, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of FM-1141 and N. John King Boulevard, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 9. Z2022-012 - Consider approval of an ordinance for a Text Amendment to Section 06, Overlay Districts, of Article 05, District Development Standards, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) [Ordinance No. 20-02] for the purpose of incorporating Airport Overlay (AP OV) District, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading).
Z2022-009 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Jack Kurz of RSDGP, LLC on behalf of Allen Anderson of Adlor Enterprises, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Restaurant, Less Than 2,000 SF, with a Drive-Through/Drive-In for the purpose of constructing a restaurant with drive-through on a 1.1308-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block B, Jack Canup Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 62 (PD-62) for General Retail (GR) District, addressed as 902 & 906 S. Goliad Street [SH-205], and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
2. Z2022-010 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Ryan Joyce on Michael Joyce Properties on behalf of Mike Peoples for the approval of an ordinance for a Zoning Change from an Agricultural (AG) District to a Planned Development District for Single-Family 10 (SF-10) District land uses on a 93.97-acre tract of land identified as Tract 4-01 of the M. B. Jones Survey, Abstract No. 122, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the SH-66 Overlay (SH-66 OV) District, addressed as 1936 SH-66, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Discuss and consider a bid award for the new KidZone playground at Harry Myers Park, and authorize the City Manager to execute associated contract documents in an amount not to exceed $800,000 to be funded out of the Recreational Development Fund, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider Capital Improvement Planning associated with Fire Station #1, and take any action necessary.
City Manager's Report, Departmental Reports and related discussions pertaining to current city activities, upcoming meetings, future legislative activities, and other related matters. 1. Building Inspections Department Monthly Report - February 2022 2. Fire Department Monthly Report - February 2022 3. Parks & Rec Department Monthly Report - February 2022 4. Police Department Monthly Report - February 2022 XV. Adjournment