I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding appointments to city regulatory boards, commissions, and committees (Board of Adjustments 'alternates') pursuant to Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) 2. Discussion regarding agreements between the City of Rockwall and Blackland Water Supply Corporation (WSC) pursuant to Section §551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). 3. Discussion regarding legal issues related to personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) VII. Take any Action as a Result of Executive Session
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the November 16, 2020 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Z2020-043 - Consider a request by Maxwell Fisher, AICP of Master Plan on behalf of Wolverine Self Storage Investments-Rockwall EDP, LLC for the approval of an ordinance amending an existing Specific Use Permit for the purpose of increasing the number of storage units permitted by Ordinance No. 14-25 to account for the number of storage units constructed on a 2.857-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 4, Block A, Platinum Storage Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 1245 SH-276, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 3. Z2020-044 - Consider a request by Casey Cox of Costal Plains Estates for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision for the purpose of constructing a single-family home on a 0.21-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 24, Block A, Chandler’s Landing, Phase 7, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 8 (PD-8) for single-family residential land uses, addressed as 102 Thistle Place, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 4. Z2020-046 - Consider a request by Mike Whittle of Whittle & Johnson Custom Homes for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision for the purpose of constructing a single-family home on a 0.15-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 24, Block E, Chandler’s Landing #16, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 8 (PD-8) for single-family residential land uses, addressed as 295 Victory Lane, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 5. P2020-048 - Consider a request by Juan J. Vasquez of Vasquez Engineering, LLC on behalf of Donald L. Silverman of Rockwall 205-552, LLC for the approval of a Replat for Lots 4-7, Block A, Dalton Goliad Addition being a 5.683-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 2, Block A, Dalton Goliad Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned General Retail (GR) District, situated within the N. SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, generally located on the west side of SH-205 north of the intersection of SH-205 and FM-552, and take any action necessary. 6. Consider approval of an emergency purchase of a pump at the FM 3097 LiG Station in the amount of $60,877.58 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase order to Barco Pump to be funded out of the Water and Sewer Fund, Wastewater Operations Budget, and take any action necessary. 7. Consider approval of a bid award for the purchase of a Police accident/crime scene reconstruction system in the amount of $57,541.40 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase order to FARO Technologies to be funded out of General Fund Reserves, and take any action necessary. 8. Consider adoption of a resolution setting solid waste collection rates, and take any action necessary.
Appointment Items Appointment with Randall Bryant to discuss and consider a request related to the naming of the swimming pool located at Gloria Williams Park, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Rockwall resident Patty Griffin, 2140 Airport Road, regarding Blackland Water Supply Company’s (WSC) customer services policies and procedures, and take any action necessary.
Action Items MIS2020-016 - Discuss and consider a request by Charles Smith of Pentagon on behalf of Dynacap Holdings Limited for the approval of a Miscellaneous Request for a variance to the proximity requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages stipulated by the Unified Development Code (UDC) for a 2.202-acre tract of land identified as Tract 12 of the A. Hanna Survey, Abstract No. 99, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, addressed as 1541 E. IH-30, and take any action necessary.
MIS2020-017 - Discuss and consider a request by Jim Ziegler of PegasusAblon on behalf of Ablon at Harbor Village, LP for the approval of a Miscellaneous Request for a variance to the underground utility requirements stipulated by the Municipal Code of Ordinances and the Unified Development Code (UDC) for a 1.064-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 11, Block A, The Rockwall-Harbor Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 32 (PD32), situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, generally located between 2125 & 2600 Lakefront Trail, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider 2021, 1st quarter Parks & Recreation Events, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider on-street parking related concerns on Kyle Drive, Industrial Boulevard and Justin Road, including consideration of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances in Ch. 26 'Motor Vehicles & Traffic,' Article VII. 'Stopping, Standing or Parking,' Section 26-505 'Prohibited in Specific Places' to address prohibition of parking, and take any action necessary. (1st Reading)
XI. City Manager's Report, Departmental Reports and related discussions pertaining to current city activities, upcoming meetings, future legislative activities, and other related matters. 1. Building Inspections Monthly Report - November 2020 2. Fire Department Monthly Report - October 2020 3. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - October 2020 4. Police Department Monthly Report - October 2020 5. Sales Tax Historical Comparison 6. Water Consumption Historical Statistics XIV. Adjournment
I. Call Public Meeting to Order II. Executive Session. The City of Rockwall City Council will Recess into Executive Session to discuss the following matter as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: 1. Discussion regarding appointments to city regulatory boards, commissions, and committees (Board of Adjustments 'alternates') pursuant to Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) 2. Discussion regarding agreements between the City of Rockwall and Blackland Water Supply Corporation (WSC) pursuant to Section §551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). 3. Discussion regarding legal issues related to personnel matters pursuant to Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney). III. Adjourn Executive Session
IV. Reconvene Public Meeting (6:00 P.M.) VII. Take any Action as a Result of Executive Session
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the November 16, 2020 regular City Council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Z2020-043 - Consider a request by Maxwell Fisher, AICP of Master Plan on behalf of Wolverine Self Storage Investments-Rockwall EDP, LLC for the approval of an ordinance amending an existing Specific Use Permit for the purpose of increasing the number of storage units permitted by Ordinance No. 14-25 to account for the number of storage units constructed on a 2.857-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 4, Block A, Platinum Storage Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 1245 SH-276, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 3. Z2020-044 - Consider a request by Casey Cox of Costal Plains Estates for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision for the purpose of constructing a single-family home on a 0.21-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 24, Block A, Chandler’s Landing, Phase 7, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 8 (PD-8) for single-family residential land uses, addressed as 102 Thistle Place, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 4. Z2020-046 - Consider a request by Mike Whittle of Whittle & Johnson Custom Homes for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Residential Infill in an Established Subdivision for the purpose of constructing a single-family home on a 0.15-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 24, Block E, Chandler’s Landing #16, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 8 (PD-8) for single-family residential land uses, addressed as 295 Victory Lane, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 5. P2020-048 - Consider a request by Juan J. Vasquez of Vasquez Engineering, LLC on behalf of Donald L. Silverman of Rockwall 205-552, LLC for the approval of a Replat for Lots 4-7, Block A, Dalton Goliad Addition being a 5.683-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 2, Block A, Dalton Goliad Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned General Retail (GR) District, situated within the N. SH-205 Overlay (N. SH-205 OV) District, generally located on the west side of SH-205 north of the intersection of SH-205 and FM-552, and take any action necessary. 6. Consider approval of an emergency purchase of a pump at the FM 3097 LiG Station in the amount of $60,877.58 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase order to Barco Pump to be funded out of the Water and Sewer Fund, Wastewater Operations Budget, and take any action necessary. 7. Consider approval of a bid award for the purchase of a Police accident/crime scene reconstruction system in the amount of $57,541.40 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase order to FARO Technologies to be funded out of General Fund Reserves, and take any action necessary. 8. Consider adoption of a resolution setting solid waste collection rates, and take any action necessary.
Appointment Items Appointment with Randall Bryant to discuss and consider a request related to the naming of the swimming pool located at Gloria Williams Park, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Rockwall resident Patty Griffin, 2140 Airport Road, regarding Blackland Water Supply Company’s (WSC) customer services policies and procedures, and take any action necessary.
Action Items MIS2020-016 - Discuss and consider a request by Charles Smith of Pentagon on behalf of Dynacap Holdings Limited for the approval of a Miscellaneous Request for a variance to the proximity requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages stipulated by the Unified Development Code (UDC) for a 2.202-acre tract of land identified as Tract 12 of the A. Hanna Survey, Abstract No. 99, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, addressed as 1541 E. IH-30, and take any action necessary.
MIS2020-017 - Discuss and consider a request by Jim Ziegler of PegasusAblon on behalf of Ablon at Harbor Village, LP for the approval of a Miscellaneous Request for a variance to the underground utility requirements stipulated by the Municipal Code of Ordinances and the Unified Development Code (UDC) for a 1.064-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 11, Block A, The Rockwall-Harbor Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 32 (PD32), situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, generally located between 2125 & 2600 Lakefront Trail, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider 2021, 1st quarter Parks & Recreation Events, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider on-street parking related concerns on Kyle Drive, Industrial Boulevard and Justin Road, including consideration of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances in Ch. 26 'Motor Vehicles & Traffic,' Article VII. 'Stopping, Standing or Parking,' Section 26-505 'Prohibited in Specific Places' to address prohibition of parking, and take any action necessary. (1st Reading)
XI. City Manager's Report, Departmental Reports and related discussions pertaining to current city activities, upcoming meetings, future legislative activities, and other related matters. 1. Building Inspections Monthly Report - November 2020 2. Fire Department Monthly Report - October 2020 3. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - October 2020 4. Police Department Monthly Report - October 2020 5. Sales Tax Historical Comparison 6. Water Consumption Historical Statistics XIV. Adjournment