1. Consider approval of the minutes from the January 6, 2020 regular city council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with NTMWD, approving the City of Rockwall’s participation in the Sabine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Feasibility and Master Plan Study in the amount of $161,207 and amend the Sewer Operations Budget for said amount, and take any action necessary. 3. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Baseball Nations to utilize Leon Tuttle Athletic Complex for five weekend tournaments during the 2020 baseball season, and take any action necessary. 4. Consider awarding a bid to Waukesha Pearce Industries and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Contract for Generator Preventative Maintenance Services in the amount of $54,831.89 to be funded out of the General and Water Sewer Funds, and take any action necessary. 5. P2020-001 - Consider a request by Adam Buczek of Windsor Homes Cumberland, LLC for the approval of a replat for Lot 12, Block C, Ridgecrest Addition, being a 0.503-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block C, Ridgecrest Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 81 (PD-81) for Single?Family 10 (SF?10) District land uses, addressed as 405 Fox Hollow Drive, and take any action necessary. 6. SP2019-043 - Consider a request by Clay Cristy of ClayMoore Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Brian Berry of Milestone Electric, Inc. for the approval of an alternative tree mitigation settlement agreement in conjunction with an approved amended site plan for a multi?tenant office complex on a 9.52-acre tract of land identified as Lot 18 and the south portion of Lot 19, Rainbow Acres Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 407 Ranch Trail, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with the Planning and Zoning Chairman to discuss and answer any questions regarding cases on the agenda and related issues and take any action necessary.
Appointment with the Friends of the Library to request a waiver of rental fees at the The Center for a fundraiser event, and take any action necessary.
Z2019-026 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Timothy Bates of Plano Marine on behalf of Jason Breland of Suntex Marina Investors, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an existing marina allowing boat sales, storage and repair on a 6.282-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 134, 134-14 & 134-15 of the E. Teal Survey, Abstract No. 207, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the Lake Ray Hubbard Takeline Overlay (TL OV) District, located at the western terminus of Henry M. Chandlers Drive, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2019-028 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider the approval of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code (UDC), and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2019-027 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Raymond Jowers of Jowers, Inc. for the approval of an ordinance extending a Specific Use Permit (SUP) allowing outside storage adjacent to IH-30 on a 4.4317-acre tract of land identified as Tract 22?01 of the R. Irvine Survey, Abstract No. 120, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, addressed as 2260 E. IH-30, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
XIII. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and consider an update regarding the Complete Count Committee for the U.S. 2020 Census and take any action necessary. XVI. ADJOURNMENT
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the January 6, 2020 regular city council meeting, and take any action necessary. 2. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with NTMWD, approving the City of Rockwall’s participation in the Sabine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Feasibility and Master Plan Study in the amount of $161,207 and amend the Sewer Operations Budget for said amount, and take any action necessary. 3. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with Baseball Nations to utilize Leon Tuttle Athletic Complex for five weekend tournaments during the 2020 baseball season, and take any action necessary. 4. Consider awarding a bid to Waukesha Pearce Industries and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Contract for Generator Preventative Maintenance Services in the amount of $54,831.89 to be funded out of the General and Water Sewer Funds, and take any action necessary. 5. P2020-001 - Consider a request by Adam Buczek of Windsor Homes Cumberland, LLC for the approval of a replat for Lot 12, Block C, Ridgecrest Addition, being a 0.503-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1, Block C, Ridgecrest Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Planned Development District 81 (PD-81) for Single?Family 10 (SF?10) District land uses, addressed as 405 Fox Hollow Drive, and take any action necessary. 6. SP2019-043 - Consider a request by Clay Cristy of ClayMoore Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Brian Berry of Milestone Electric, Inc. for the approval of an alternative tree mitigation settlement agreement in conjunction with an approved amended site plan for a multi?tenant office complex on a 9.52-acre tract of land identified as Lot 18 and the south portion of Lot 19, Rainbow Acres Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Commercial (C) District, addressed as 407 Ranch Trail, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with the Planning and Zoning Chairman to discuss and answer any questions regarding cases on the agenda and related issues and take any action necessary.
Appointment with the Friends of the Library to request a waiver of rental fees at the The Center for a fundraiser event, and take any action necessary.
Z2019-026 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Timothy Bates of Plano Marine on behalf of Jason Breland of Suntex Marina Investors, LLC for the approval of an ordinance for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an existing marina allowing boat sales, storage and repair on a 6.282-acre tract of land identified as Tracts 134, 134-14 & 134-15 of the E. Teal Survey, Abstract No. 207, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Agricultural (AG) District, situated within the Lake Ray Hubbard Takeline Overlay (TL OV) District, located at the western terminus of Henry M. Chandlers Drive, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2019-028 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider the approval of an ordinance amending the Unified Development Code (UDC), and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Z2019-027 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a request by Raymond Jowers of Jowers, Inc. for the approval of an ordinance extending a Specific Use Permit (SUP) allowing outside storage adjacent to IH-30 on a 4.4317-acre tract of land identified as Tract 22?01 of the R. Irvine Survey, Abstract No. 120, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, situated within the IH-30 Overlay (IH-30 OV) District, addressed as 2260 E. IH-30, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
XIII. ACTION ITEMS 1. Discuss and consider an update regarding the Complete Count Committee for the U.S. 2020 Census and take any action necessary. XVI. ADJOURNMENT