PROCLAMATIONS / AWARDS 1. Police Memorial Week 2. Recognition of Youth Advisory Council's (YAC) graduating high school seniors 3. Recognition of outgoing city council members, Mike Townsend and Dennis Lewis
APPOINTMENTS Appointment with members of the city's Youth Advisory Council (YAC) to hear year-end program report, and take any action necessary.
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the April 16, 2018 regular city council meeting, and take any action necessary 2. Z2018-014 - Consider a City initiated zoning request for the approval of an ordinance for a text amendment to various sections of Article V, District Development Standards, of the Unified Development Code [Ordinance No. 04-38] for the purpose of amending the variance process relating to signage for properties in an overlay district, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 3. Z2018-015 - Consider a City initiated zoning request for the approval of an ordinance for a text amendment to various sections of Article II, Authority and Administrative Procedures, of the Unified Development Code [Ordinance No. 04-38] for the purpose of clarifying the reapplication procedures for applications that have been denied by the City Council, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 4. Consider approval of a Facilities Agreement with Somerset Park Development, LLC and Arcadia Realty Corp. for the reimbursement of the on-site oversized gravity sanitary sewer system expenses associated with the development, and take any action necessary. 5. P2018-009 - Consider a request by Mitchell Lenamond, PE on behalf of Eric L. Davis Engineering, Inc. for the approval of a replat for Lot 7, Block A, Bodin Industrial Addition being a 2.029-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1B, Block A, Bodin Industrial Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, addressed as 2040 Kristy Lane, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Mrs. Colleen Vick to hear concerns related to the Summit Ridge/Lakeshore reconstruction project, and take any action necessary.
ACTION ITEMS Discuss and consider authorizing staff to proceed with construction bidding and advertising for the S. Lakeshore Dr./Summit Ridge Dr. Reconstruction Project, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Greta Mittman of WRS Marine LLC to request that Council authorize the City Manager to execute a franchise agreement with the City to operate The Harbor Lights passenger boat from The Harbor boat docks, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Scott Self of Tow Boats Lake Ray Hubbard to request that Council authorize the City Manager to execute a franchise agreement with the City to operate tow boats from Chandlers Landing Marina, and take any action necessary.
PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. MIS2018-006 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a City initiated request to amend the Comprehensive Plan by approving an ordinance changing to the Master Thoroughfare Plan Map contained within the Transportation section of the plan for the purpose of [1] reclassifying Horizon Road [FM-3097] from a M4U (minor arterial, four [4] lane, undivided roadway) to a TXDOT4D (TXDOT, four [4] lane, roadway) and [2] realigning Breezy Hill Road to reflect existing public right-of-way, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Discuss and consider changing the adopted park maintenance category and associated costs for the Raymond Cameron Lake natural area, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider a request by Jim Ziegler of PegasusAblon for the approval of a facilities agreement allowing changes to the outdoor dining guidelines established in Resolution 11-25 for the property addressed as 2095 Summer Lee Drive, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider a setback variance request for a sign at the Shops at Legacy Village located at 102 N. Fannin and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider establishing a policy pertaining to expenditures for fine arts projects associated with certain public construction projects (1% of Capital Improvement Project (CIP) project costs), and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider approval of Contract Amendment Number Six for a total additional contract amount of $76,950.00 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the Lakeshore Dr./Summit Ridge Dr. Reconstruction Project for engineering design and construction plan preparation services for bridge erosion mitigation, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-37 pertaining to pre-65 (employee) retiree health benefits coverage, and take any action necessary. (1st reading)
Discuss and consider (2) nominations for an "outstanding senior who is making a difference in the senior community," as requested by Meals on Wheels Senior Services of Rockwall County, and take any action necessary.
XIV. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT TO DISCUSS CURRENT CITY ACTIVITIES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, FUTURE LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS. 1. Departmental Reports Building Inspections Monthly Report - March 2018 Fire Department Monthly Report - March 2018 GIS Division Monthly Report - March 2018 Harbor PD Monthly Report - March 2018 Internal Operations Monthly Report - March 2018 Police Department Monthly Report - March 2018 Recreation Monthly Report - March 2018 Rockwall Animal Adoption Center Monthly Report - March 2018 Rockwall Meals on Wheels Senior Services - 2nd Quarter Report STAR Transit Monthly Report - March 2018 2. City Manager’s Report XVII. ADJOURNMENT
PROCLAMATIONS / AWARDS 1. Police Memorial Week 2. Recognition of Youth Advisory Council's (YAC) graduating high school seniors 3. Recognition of outgoing city council members, Mike Townsend and Dennis Lewis
APPOINTMENTS Appointment with members of the city's Youth Advisory Council (YAC) to hear year-end program report, and take any action necessary.
1. Consider approval of the minutes from the April 16, 2018 regular city council meeting, and take any action necessary 2. Z2018-014 - Consider a City initiated zoning request for the approval of an ordinance for a text amendment to various sections of Article V, District Development Standards, of the Unified Development Code [Ordinance No. 04-38] for the purpose of amending the variance process relating to signage for properties in an overlay district, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 3. Z2018-015 - Consider a City initiated zoning request for the approval of an ordinance for a text amendment to various sections of Article II, Authority and Administrative Procedures, of the Unified Development Code [Ordinance No. 04-38] for the purpose of clarifying the reapplication procedures for applications that have been denied by the City Council, and take any action necessary (2nd Reading). 4. Consider approval of a Facilities Agreement with Somerset Park Development, LLC and Arcadia Realty Corp. for the reimbursement of the on-site oversized gravity sanitary sewer system expenses associated with the development, and take any action necessary. 5. P2018-009 - Consider a request by Mitchell Lenamond, PE on behalf of Eric L. Davis Engineering, Inc. for the approval of a replat for Lot 7, Block A, Bodin Industrial Addition being a 2.029-acre parcel of land identified as Lot 1B, Block A, Bodin Industrial Addition, City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, zoned Light Industrial (LI) District, addressed as 2040 Kristy Lane, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Mrs. Colleen Vick to hear concerns related to the Summit Ridge/Lakeshore reconstruction project, and take any action necessary.
ACTION ITEMS Discuss and consider authorizing staff to proceed with construction bidding and advertising for the S. Lakeshore Dr./Summit Ridge Dr. Reconstruction Project, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Greta Mittman of WRS Marine LLC to request that Council authorize the City Manager to execute a franchise agreement with the City to operate The Harbor Lights passenger boat from The Harbor boat docks, and take any action necessary.
Appointment with Scott Self of Tow Boats Lake Ray Hubbard to request that Council authorize the City Manager to execute a franchise agreement with the City to operate tow boats from Chandlers Landing Marina, and take any action necessary.
PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. MIS2018-006 - Hold a public hearing to discuss and consider a City initiated request to amend the Comprehensive Plan by approving an ordinance changing to the Master Thoroughfare Plan Map contained within the Transportation section of the plan for the purpose of [1] reclassifying Horizon Road [FM-3097] from a M4U (minor arterial, four [4] lane, undivided roadway) to a TXDOT4D (TXDOT, four [4] lane, roadway) and [2] realigning Breezy Hill Road to reflect existing public right-of-way, and take any action necessary (1st Reading).
Discuss and consider changing the adopted park maintenance category and associated costs for the Raymond Cameron Lake natural area, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider a request by Jim Ziegler of PegasusAblon for the approval of a facilities agreement allowing changes to the outdoor dining guidelines established in Resolution 11-25 for the property addressed as 2095 Summer Lee Drive, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider a setback variance request for a sign at the Shops at Legacy Village located at 102 N. Fannin and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider establishing a policy pertaining to expenditures for fine arts projects associated with certain public construction projects (1% of Capital Improvement Project (CIP) project costs), and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider approval of Contract Amendment Number Six for a total additional contract amount of $76,950.00 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the Lakeshore Dr./Summit Ridge Dr. Reconstruction Project for engineering design and construction plan preparation services for bridge erosion mitigation, and take any action necessary.
Discuss and consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-37 pertaining to pre-65 (employee) retiree health benefits coverage, and take any action necessary. (1st reading)
Discuss and consider (2) nominations for an "outstanding senior who is making a difference in the senior community," as requested by Meals on Wheels Senior Services of Rockwall County, and take any action necessary.
XIV. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT TO DISCUSS CURRENT CITY ACTIVITIES, UPCOMING MEETINGS, FUTURE LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS. 1. Departmental Reports Building Inspections Monthly Report - March 2018 Fire Department Monthly Report - March 2018 GIS Division Monthly Report - March 2018 Harbor PD Monthly Report - March 2018 Internal Operations Monthly Report - March 2018 Police Department Monthly Report - March 2018 Recreation Monthly Report - March 2018 Rockwall Animal Adoption Center Monthly Report - March 2018 Rockwall Meals on Wheels Senior Services - 2nd Quarter Report STAR Transit Monthly Report - March 2018 2. City Manager’s Report XVII. ADJOURNMENT